Sunday, 13 February 2011

Trevor Burrows Interview..

·         Trevor Burrows Interview

·         Firstly, where did you start getting involved in Photography and what education did you achieve?
o   Well, I started by doing my A levels and was going to go to university but ended up not going. I then carried on doing a visual communications course at an art college around 1972, where I really became interested in Photography. I was then lucky enough to do a creative Photography course where I went straight to work for the BBC. I then wanted to move to Devon to try and get going, I worked as a medical photographer for a while, then advertising, then worked at the uni as a darkroom technician in around 1983, I did that for around a year then went alone and tried to get my own business going. It was the best thing I ever did, it’s been hard work but really was worth it, I love the variety, I have good equipment, a nice studio and everything just works.
·         What were the main artists which really inspired you within your work?
o   Obviously, Ansel Adams and David Bailey.
·         You have worked in many areas of Photography (Advertising, commercial, Fashion, fine art, portraiture etc) what is your main area of interest?
o   I get asked that quite a lot. The answer is exciting lighting. I never get bored; I love the variety I have with all of my clients. I wouldn’t say I have a favourite, I love everything I do. From works of art, royal visits, fashion shoots; they are all slightly different, but its variety that turns me on.
·         What do you feel is your biggest achievement within Photography?
o   Well, I have a big project going on at the moment, I am photography a 150million boat for a private client, but I have been involved in many things like being invited to do a national talk on lighting for the BIPP, I was also invited into the Commercial Photographers Network which was an honour.  But I think one of the nicest moments within my career was probably when I had the chance to photograph the Queen, I have worked for the Wrigley’s factory for over 20 years I think; and we did an anniversary re-opening where the queen came and re-opened the factory. I supplied images for the factory – Aerial views of Plymouth, historical work over 20 years of working with them. So, when the Queen came, she had her own photographer there but she asked me to photograph her while she was looking at my work, so that was probably the nicest moment in my career.
·         Do you feel Photography nowadays is more of a career choice rather than a passion?
o   Well, I think what I would say is if you are running a photographic business don’t forget your personal work. Remember the art side of Photography. I think you can make money, enjoy the social side and solve a problem within the brief. Photography has been me interested in how things are made. After my busy career, it makes me understand how things are put together; emotions, body language, society, technology etc.
·         What equipment do you favour? And do you feel that it is your equipment that makes a good photograph or the initial ideas?
o   I couldn’t be without my Canon 1DS-M2, I have all the lenses for it. I’ve always said it doesn’t matter what you’ve taken it on as long as it works. Professionally, it should be of high quality. It’s a perfect union of top equipment and fulfilling a brief. I know throughout my career that I’ve never stood still!
·         Have you got any major projects you are working on at the moment?
o   Probably the boat I mentioned earlier, I am photographing the stages of it being built, I think I’m doing that for the next 6 months.
·         Is there any advice that you could give me as a learning photographer?
o   Well, work in an organised tidy way, respect your equipment, and always look presentable to your client. If you stay tidy, you will always be able to find what you’re looking for; and back everything up, if it’s not backed up more than 3 times, it’s not backed up at all. But all I can say is if you have found photography, you have found a wonderful thing.
·         Finally, are you happy within your photographic career at the moment?
o   Never Been Happier!

Quick Update!

Hello! Quick Update, i have done my interview... With a local Photographer Trevor Burrows, He was very inspiring and gave me some great advice. I am just about to write it up then i will post it for all to read.. !