Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Walkin In A Winter Wonderland... Paignton To Me And You..;)

Since i've been back in my hometown i have not seen much for the snow except for the first night.. but it seems it has just got thinner and thinner. But ALAS! i am off to Worcester on Thursday which means lots of snow for me to photograph which will be fun!
But i did get a few snaps on the drive home...

Evaluation [Formal Intervention]

Throughout this brief I have explored new skills with the Hasselblad camera, 120 development and darkroom processes, this is a personal achievement for me, and I have enjoyed using the camera and getting back into a darkroom.
My first reaction to “Formal Intervention” was unsure but I looked into many areas for a concept; space, texture, form, movement, reflection, light and so on. My ideas were drawn to movement and reflection after researching into Francesca Woodman and her use of long exposures and ideas of her body moving in space. Her work was definitely my inspiration for my own ideas.  After more researching into other photographers; Bruce Mozert, I was pulled towards the idea of water and reflections, I had so many ideas for shoots but felt I didn’t have a strong enough reason for them, and this is what I wanted to really push my ideas and built a strong structure for the shoot I would decide to do.
After further research into more photographers such as; Lois Greenfield – form and shape, Man Ray- Female Form and reflection, Gerard Castello Lopes – reflections in water; and a practise shoot (which I unfortunately didn’t get to use the negatives in a darkroom). I realised that water intrigues me because I suffer with Aqua-Phobia, which makes a strong connection between myself and the subject giving my photographs a personal aspect. 
My shoots were very organised with the use of my DSLR and the Hasselblad and the locations, but my capability with the camera wasn’t so good. I organised and completed a shoot, with my model and then developed the 120mm film, to discover I had loaded the film wrong which meant none of my images had come out; this was very upsetting and frustrating as I had to rush through another shoot and the weather wasn’t very nice which meant I didn’t have a wide range of clear images on my negatives, but never the less I found a hand full of successful compositions.
My final image I feel says what I wanted to say. My model is surrounded by water, she is holding a mirror to symbolise looking in the mirror and accepting her fear, by doing this she can see herself and her fear over whelming the space around her, in the image I chose my model is facing the mirror away to show she can not quite accept her surroundings. I feel this image shows where I am in confronting my fear, I can accept it but am not ready to fully confront and progress it.
If I had more time with this project, I would do more experimentation in the darkroom and take the Hasselblad more to get more confidence and experience with the camera; but I am happy with my skills I have learnt so far and I pleased that I feel comfortable processing 120mm film, I want to continue with my concepts from this project for personal achievement.

So Christmas Is Nearly Here.. And The Term Is Over..

I can't believe the first term is over already and the first project is done, what a rush.. i don't have a copy of my final piece, but i have the negavtives so that you can get an idea of my final images!

Also I Have Some More Digital Edits..

Mirror #1


Sunday, 5 December 2010

Christmas is Here And So Is My Creativity!

Hello Again, Just a message to say Merry Christmas! and an update to how my life as a Photographer is going. Well "formal Interventions" is nearly complete, here is a digital edit..
"Still Life" is also continuing on steadily, myself and my group have had a play with the 5"4 cameras but im still a bit weary of using them.. seeing as they are worth more than anything i own ;)
I feel i am on track with most things, hopefully it will stay that way...for now!